How to Put Batteries in an Airsoft Gun

How to Put Batteries in an Airsoft Gun

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You lot've got your airsoft rifle primed and fix to go, y'all're all came up and your adrenaline is pumping to go into some serious airsoft battle action.

Just in that location's only one trouble; you tin't figure out how to fit the bombardment into the gun!

Never fear – we're most to reveal precisely how to fit batteries into an airsoft gun, step by stride, giving you the conviction you demand to get the task done.

Stride By Step Guide

Footstep Ane

Open the bombardment compartment. You lot will observe a couple of screws on the front of the stock. Unscrew them and pull the embrace off. Be certain to note which spiral goes where.

Step Ii

You will see a couple of wires within the stock housing.

Movement these to the side. Now twist the plastic rings so that the plastic ring slots also move to the side.

You should as well movement the white fuse to the side and tape it in identify. Now move the plug nether the tube to the other side, placing them nether the tube.

Step Three

Now put the bottom attachment back in place.

Ensure that the side screws of the locking mechanism are open. You'll take to remove a lockscrew on one side in order to close the battery compartment.

Pace Four

Remove the lockscrew by pushing it in with your finger. You'll observe a tiny attachment that you can push out with a screwdriver in social club to release the lockscrew.

Step Five

Now you can connect the battery. Put it in with the cablevision running from the front to the back on the side of the plug.

Step Six

Push the cables in with your finger and close the hat.

To completely close the hat, you volition have to take hold of the sides of the remaining 'lockscrew' and squeeze it tightly while as well pressing in the lockscrew.


Why should you disconnect your battery when not using your rifle?

Airsoft Rifle Battery Disconnect

Yous should disconnect your battery when not using your burglarize in order to prevent the bombardment from corroding.

The electronics in your airsoft gun that uses batteries will corrode but as much as those in your car volition.

Yet, those in pocket-sized units like an airsoft gun will really cause more corrosion damage than in a car.

When you leave the battery connected, it will too bleed the battery much faster.

A LiPo battery will drain faster than other types, so you should particularly disconnect LiPo batteries when they are non in use.

How should I shop my airsoft battery when it is not in use?

Disconnect the battery, remove information technology from the gun and place it in a ziplock bag.

It is a practiced idea to strap the purse to the stock of the gun with a rubber band and then that it does non go lost.

How Long Does an Airsoft Battery Last?

While the length of battery life varies, there is a simple estimate to requite yous a good ballpark effigy.

Take a look at the bombardment rating. If information technology is 1800 mAH, then the battery will last for most 1800 shots. mAH refers to milliampere-hour.

Clearly, and then, the higher the mAH rating, the longer the bombardment life. This will allow y'all to proceed playing for longer without having to worry almost the gun dying on y'all.

What is the significance of the voltage of my airsoft battery?

Airsoft Battery

The voltage of your battery will dictate the rate of burn that your airsoft gun is capable of.

The greater the battery voltage, the higher the rate of fire. Withal, y'all need to be careful here.

If you put a bombardment into your gun with a voltage that is too loftier for the gearbox of the weapon, this can cause serious damage to the internal workings of your gun.

Before going out and buying a new battery for your airsoft gun, be sure to check the maximum voltage battery that it can handle.

There are some modifications that you tin make in order to increase the rate of fire of the gun.

What happens if I overcharge my airsoft battery?

Information technology is very easy to overcharge a rechargeable airsoft battery.

People often charge their batteries overnight, which is a surefire mode to overcharge them. When y'all overcharge your battery, the battery will overheat.

This overheating could permanently damage the bombardment cell. Only even if it doesn't, the battery will have a diminished capacity to hold a charge in the future.

At that place are 3 types of airsoft gun batteries:

  • NiMH (Nickel-metal hybrid)
  • Nicd (Nickel-cadmium)
  • LiPo (Lithium Polymer)

Of the 3 types, LiPo batteries are the most likely to catch burn down if they are overcharged.

That is because overheating a LiPo bombardment can lead to a chemical reaction which results in a build-up of gas inside the battery.

This gas will play havoc with the internal workings of the battery.

Hopefully, this will not lead to a fire, merely, fifty-fifty if it doesn't, it will lead to a reduction in the bombardment's capacity to hold a charge in the future.

How can I get the optimum accuse for my airsoft bombardment?

To get the best charge out of your airsoft battery, yous should plug the battery charger directly into the wall.

The length of time that it will take to fully charge the battery depends on the mAH rating and the accuse rating of the charger.

The charge rating tells you how much the battery will charge in an hour.

As an example, if your battery has an mAH of 3000 and the accuse rating is 500 mAH, you know that the battery will recharge at 500 mAH per hour.

So, information technology will take you six hours (3000 divided past 500) to accuse the battery.


This commodity has provided you with the conviction to keep your airsoft weapon fully charged with a properly installed battery.

With that conviction, you are now able to go forth onto the airsoft battlefield and conquer!

How to Put Batteries in an Airsoft Gun

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